Winter Springs Band of Gold Band Boosters
What is a “Band Booster” anyway?
Glad you asked! A Band Booster is a parent or guardian of a student in the band or color guard. We are a group of committed adults doing what we can to make sure our students can have the best opportunity in band as possible. As a public school, our funding for band doesn’t get us a whole lot. So we work our magic to ensure our kids are supported through band fundraising, activities, events, and more!
The Band of Gold couldn’t do what we do without the boosters. So what do ya say? Are you ready to be a part of the fun? It’s FREE to be a booster! Just sign up and let us know where you want to help!
Michael Hancock
Band President & Transportation Chairperson
Jennifer Gurnett
Band Vice President
Jamie Wilson
Angelique Falkenberg
Ways and Means
Natalie Jackson
Chaperone Lead
Carolyn Fuchs
Hospitality Chairperson
Kristi Hancock
Secretary & Videographer
Dee Paonessa
Auxiliary Chairperson (Color Guard Representative)
Suzanne Griffin
Web Master
Tracie Searles
Uniform Chairperson
Patricia Eimer
Health and Safety Chairperson
We do this for the kids!
(And maybe a little for us. 😉) Boosters is a great way to meet some amazing people!